Directed By:
John Terlesky
Brent Florence, Emmanuelle Vaugier and Greg Evigan
Rated R
Genre: Science Fiction/Horror
Format Used: Netflix DVD
Contains: Graphic Lanuage, Graphic Violence, Rape
When a museum curator is murdered by a thug of Marcus the Mercenary while stealing the breastplate of Attila The Hun it leads
to a massive treasure hunt. The breastplate is a map that will lead the person to the legendary sword of Attila The Hun.
Who sold his soul to the Devil for power and recieved this ultimate weapon that legend has it makes the holder unkillable
in battle. Ironicly he was killed by the woman he forced to marry him in bed on his wedding night.
But now Doctor Samantha Gaines' only brother has been kidnapped to force Sam to read the breatplate. But the brother
is rescued and they try to get the sword first, not knowing that Marus had her bugged.
But when they get to the final resting place, they are unaware that all the legend is true, including the sword is guarded
by the giant monstreous dog CERBERUS. The question becomes, can any of them escape alive?
Okay, cool story, great effects. The cast did great, basically a cool film. But far from perfect, here's the list. Cerberus
is Greek and gaurded Tartarus, which is different from Hell, his master was the God of the dead Hades not Satan, he didn't
have a snake tail, he didn't look like he was rotting and Greg Evigan of BJ and The Bear fame should never play another bad
guy. But other then that, I enjoyed Cerberus quite abit. Yes, quite a bit. I give CERBERUS...7 STARS

I agree with Zedd, but that list he created bugged me allot more then him. The decayed part most of all. It was a dog that
guarded Tartarus, nobody said Cerberus was undead. Anyway, as for Greg Evigan I think he did a fine job as the bad guy.
I give it....5 STARS.

+ EFFECTS (The CGI effects was impressive.)
+ CAST (For the most part the cast does a good job.)
+ CREATURE EFFECTS (Again, for the most part the creature effects are good.)
+ DIALOG (Considering the story was wrong, it was pretty good.)
- CERBERUS DESIGN (Cerberus would not be decaying and he doesn't have a snake tail. I have no idea where the snake got into
- HELL (Cerberus was Hades, the Greek God of the Dead's Guard dog, not Satan's.)
- GREEK (Cerberus was Greek. They never mention Greek myth once, not correctly anyway. They should do research before
making a movie about something that everyone knows about.)
- EVIL GRED EVIGAN (Zedd feels that Greg Evigan shouldn't play evil.)